For Enthusiasts
Trams and Metro
Detailed information about the tram fleet and the metro can be found on separate pages. I also aim to add further pages in due course covering buses and the tram museum. Also below are a transport map produced by myself, along with some useful web links.
Transport Map for Enthusiasts
Rail, tram and bus enthusiasts may find this transport map of interest, produced especially for this website and updated to October 2023. It shows railways (including closed lines) and the metro, plus the current tram network showing the normal tram route numbers (temporary reroutings not included). Latest additions are the two tram extensions (Slivenec and Dedina) which opened in October 2023.
Older versions: 2015, 2018, 2022.
Prague Transport Web Links
![Smichov, Prague](images/2010_245.jpg)
See also the section on Czech Public Transport below. Dopravní podnik hlavního mesta Prahy - the operator of the metro, trams and buses in Prague. Includes pages in English about the Transport Museum, the Nostalgic route 23 which uses unmodernised T3 cars, and the Historic tram routes numbered 41 to 43, which run on certain days of the week using trams from the Museum. The Prague Integrated Transport site, with route and tariff information. Masses of information (in Czech) for the fan of Prague trams. Click on 'Vozy' for details of the various types of tram, depot allocations, and photos of most of the fleet. There is also lots of historical stuff, details of depots past and present, allocations of trams to routes, links to annual reports etc. Highly recommended.
Urban Electric Transit has very detailed information covering tram systems worldwide, as evidenced by its Prague pages. Most of the information is in english. Detailed enthusiast website with an extensive photo gallery majoring on Prague. Click on 'Statistika' (may no longer be working) for a summary of the Prague bus fleet and detailed fleet lists by type. The Jízdní Radní (timetables) tab has links to the timetables of over 120 towns and cities in the Czech Republic. Pražské autobusy - devoted to Prague buses with fleet lists, galleries, route information etc.
Trolejbusy v Praze An extensive site in Czech about trolleybuses and electric buses in Prague and the rest of the Czech Republic, both historical and present day.
Every Public Transit Stop in Prague A project to photograph and describe every tram and bus stop in Prague, with some interesting background information about the localities and what the names mean. Not updated since 2017.
For links about the metro see the Metro page.
Photo: Trams and buses meet at Smíchov
Public Transport Web Links
![Brno](images/2009_018.jpg) News website relating to transport in the Czech Republic. Bedricha Zenáhlíka's excellent site covering most cities in the Czech Republic. This well thought out website has first class photos accompanied by a wealth of interesting and up-to-date background information. All in the Czech language, but well worth putting through "Google Translate". This site seems to be no longer available but I am leaving the link here in case it reappears. This huge site had masses of information and photos on Czech and Slovak networks, including detailed fleet lists and historical items (including technical information about the old Tatra trams). There were useful links to operators' websites and a news section. This website has news items about fleet changes etc from around the Czech Republic, although updates seem to have ceased in 2021. Lots of transport topics to explore in this enthusiast site. Includes a section of tram and trolleybus track plans and a model section with cardboard models to download. This site majors on route and tariff information. Has some information in English. Another mine of information (with an active discussion group) about all things concerning railways and city transport in the Czech Republic and elsewhere. Includes a detailed listing of transport museums. A topic and news based transport site. Regularly updated news items concerning the bus industry in the Czech Republic. Michael Taylor is an American who has taken many tram, bus and rail pictures in the Czech Republic and elsewhere. Captions (in English) are informative. A German site with some pictures of Prague trams by type (including some museum trams). Includes sections on several other Czech tram systems. A detailed German site about Tatra trams with technical specifications for each type. Photos and fleet information for a variety of bus fleets throughout the Czech Republic. Tram and trolleybus photos from around the world including Brno, Ostrava and Plzen. This site has a lot of information about transport in various towns and cities but has not been updated for many years.
Photo above: T3 trams in Brno in 2009.
Other Czech Cities with Trams and Trolleybuses
Brno Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Brna (DPMB). An excellent enthusiast website is
Ostrava Operator: Dopravní podnik Ostrava (DPO).
Plzen Operator: Plzenské mestské dopravní podniky (PMDP). Enthusiast website:
Other Czech Cities with Trams
Liberec Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Liberce a Jablonce n.N. (DPMLJ).
Most & Litvinov Operator: Dopravní Podnik mest Mostu a Litvínova.
Olomouc Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Olomouca (DPMO). Enthusiast site:
Other Czech Cities with Trolleybuses
Ceské Budejovice Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Ceské Budejovice.
Chomutov & Jirkov Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Chomutova a Jirkova.
Hradec Králové Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Hradce Králové. Enthusiast site:
Jihlava Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Jihlavy.
Mariánské Lázne Operator: Mestská Doprava Mariánské Lázne. Municipal website (transport page): Mariánské Lázne
Opava Operator: Mestský dopravní podnik Opava.
Pardubice Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Pardubic. Enthusiast site:
Teplice Operator: Arriva Teplice (formerly Veolia).
Ústí nad Labem Operator: Dopravní podnik mesta Ústí nad Labem.
Zlín-Otrokovice Operator: Dopravní spolecnost Zlín-Otrokovice.
Inter-City and Country Buses Journey Planner for all public transport in the Czech Republic. For English version click on the Menu button top right. Website of Prague's long-distance bus station at Florenc (served by Florenc metro station).
Student Agency Student Agency's RegioJet inter-city coaches. Services run hourly (or better) on many routes, for example Prague (Cerny Most metro station) to Liberec, Prague (Zlicín metro station) to Plzen, and from Prague's Florenc bus station to Karlovy Vary, Ceské Budejovice and Ceský Krumlov. Click on the flag top right for the English version.
Railway Links
![Railway Museum](images/2010_1193.jpg) Czech Railways official website (English version). Student Agency's Regiojet website. Principal rail routes are Prague - Ostrava - Havírov (with some trains extended to Žilina and Slovakia's second city, Košice), Prague - Brno - Bratislava, and Prague - Vienna - Budapest. LEO Express, which has operated on the Prague - Ostrava route since December 2012, and to Košice since December 2014. Klub železnicních cestovatelu (KŽC) - operator of heritage diesel railcars on several lines in summer, including weekend trips on the scenic 'Prague Semmering' line (a short journey from the centre of Prague to Zlicín station in the suburbs, adjacent to Repy tram terminus). Railway Capital - operator of a number of summer tourist trains on minor lines using diesel railcars. Jindrichohradecké místní dráhy (JHMD) - narrow gauge railways based in Jindrichuv Hradec. Excellent site for enthusiasts and professionals with frequently updated news items. A Czech and Slovak enthusiast site covering all aspects of railways. Contains many interesting articles on rail topics over the years (and some tramway items), also rail photos categorised by loco type. Some parts of the site are in English. English website by Duncan Cotterill with hundreds of superb railway photos taken in the Czech Republic (and elsewhere, notably China). Also has lots of useful background information and trip reports. A list in English of lines in the Czech Republic with obscure or sparse passenger services. The national railway museum at Lužná u Rakovníka. Národní technické muzeum - Prague's science museum, which includes some railway exhibits. Includes information on the large railway depository (museum basically) at Chomutov. Posázavský pacifik - site about the scenic lines numbered 210 Prague - Vrané - Cercany (also the branch to Dobríš) and 212 Cercany – Kácov – Svetlá nad Sázavou. An association involved with railway preservation and the occasional special train. Iron Monument Club, Plzen - has a small collection of steam locomotives and runs occasional special trains. A comprehensive and up-to-date site about funicular railways, cable cars, chair lifts, ski lifts etc in the Czech Republic. Railway Kingdom - huge model railway near Andel in Prague.
Photo above: the railway museum at Lužná u Rakovníka
Transport Bookshop Pragomodel has a shop at Klimentská 32 brimming with new and second-hand transport books as well as model railway items. Klimentská runs east from just south of the southbound Dlouhá trída tram stop. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 1100-1800 and Saturdays 0930-1200 (not Saturdays in July and August unless by prior appointment). They used to have a small kiosk at Masarykovo railway station, but that has now closed.