Route News 2025

Changes to bus services in and around Peterborough (latest items first). For older news see the Archive page.

For details of temporary route diversions and changes (due to roadworks, special events, weather etc) see the local Stagecoach page, Delaine's Twitter page, First's Current Issues page for Excel alterations, and Central Connect's Service Updates page.

Stagecoach changes from February 23rd

bullet From February 23rd there will be significant timetable changes to city routes 1 to 6, with an earlier start at the beginning of the day in many cases, and improved freqencies in the early evening. Routes 31, 33 and 37 will also have timetable revisions. The new pdf timetables are on the ROUTES page, and all relevant DESTINATION pages have advance versions. A detailed description of the changes will appear on this News page in due course.


X4 at Peterborough Rail Station

bullet From January 19th, buses on route X4 from the direction of Oundle etc will serve Peterborough Rail Station before arriving at Queensgate Bus Station, but journeys departing from the bus station will procede directly towards Oundle Road without serving the Rail Station in this direction. Departure times from Queensgate are unchanged.


Bus Fares from January 1st 2025

bullet The Government-backed cap on single fares increases from £2.00 to £3.00 from January 1st 2025 (until the end of 2025), but the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is capping single fares wholly within its area at £2.00 until at least the end of March 2025. Cross-boundary fares will be capped at £3.00, for example on journeys from Peterborough to points in Lincolnshire on routes 27 or 37.

bullet From the same date, Stagecoach are changing their fares. The Peterborough Dayrider will increase from £5.50 to £6.00 and the 7 day MegaRider goes up from £3.90 to £4.20. For full details of these and other day, weekly and monthly tickets (for all local operators) see the Fares page.
