Route News 2025
Changes to bus services in and around Peterborough (latest items first). For older news see the Archive page.
For details of temporary route diversions and changes (due to roadworks, special events, weather etc) see the local Stagecoach page, Delaine's Twitter page, First's Current Issues page for Excel alterations, and Central Connect's Service Updates page.
Stagecoach changes from February 23rd
From February 23rd there will be significant timetable changes to city routes 1 to 6, with an earlier start at the beginning of the day in many cases, and improved evening services on several routes. Routes 31, 33 and 37 will also have timetable revisions. See the relevant Routes and Destination pages for full timings. A detailed description of the changes appears below.
Route 1 Werrington
Journeys from Werrington start an hour earlier on Mons to Fris, with first journeys at 0450, 0520, 0550, 0620 then every 10 minutes. There are additional early-evening journeys into town every day of the week. Queensgate to Werrington has a much improved evening service. Mon-Fri departures from Queensgate change after 1637, with a 10 minute frequency continuing for an extra hour until 1922, whilst additional departures at 1952 and 2052 give a half hourly service (instead of hourly) until 2122, then hourly. On Saturdays the 12 minute frequency continues much later than before, until 1952, folowed by the enhanced evening frequency as on Mon-Fri. The 20 minute frequency on Sundays continues until 1930 (previously 1750) before becoming hourly as before. Buses previously shown in the timetable as going out of service at Werrington Centre now continue around the loop (finishing at The Spinney, near the Cock Inn).
Route 1 Orton
Timings from Orton vary during the evening peak, also early evening on Saturdays. Queensgate to Orton is largely unchanged but the first two journeys on Mons to Fris are 10 minutes earlier at 0501 and 0531, and there is an additional departure on Mons to Sats at 1949.
Route 2 City Hospital via South Bretton
Journeys from the Hospital are retimed and start 30 minutes earlier on Mons to Fris at 0536, and considerably earlier on Sats at 0520. The period when buses do not serve the main hospital entrance starts earlier in the afternoon. Buses from Queensgate to the Hospital start 10 minutes earlier at 0520 (20 minutes earlier on Sats at 0507) and are retimed for much of the day, whilst there is also a new late journey at 2352 daily.
Route 2 Paston and Gunthorpe
Early journeys from Paston are retimed, with the first journey leaving 10 minutes earlier on Mons to Fris (0445 from Pitneys) and 20 minutes earlier on Sats (0435). Afternoon and early-evening journeys are retimed, and the last journey is one hour later at 2320 daily. From Queensgate buses start earlier at 0604 Mon to Fri (0548 Sats), and journeys are retimed, especially during the afternoon. There is a new journey at 1935.
Route 3 City Hospital via North Bretton
Journeys start much earlier, with the first journey from the Hospital at 0451 Mon to Sat, and from Queensgate to the Hospital at 0516. Journeys are retimed throughout the day, and the period when buses do not serve the main hospital entrance starts earlier in the afternoon.
Route 3 Stanground
Buses run much earlier on Mons to Sats, with the first journey from Stanground now 0450 (previously 0608), and from Queensgate to Stanground at 0433. Buses are retimed throughout the day. Most Sunday departures to Stanground are one minute earlier.
Route 4 Parnwell/Eye/Thorney
There are no changes on this section of route.
Route 4 City Hospital via Netherton
Timings are unchanged, except that the period when buses do not serve the main hospital entrance starts earlier in the afternoon.
Route 5/5A Dogsthorpe/Welland
Journeys to Queensgate run five minutes earlier on Mon to Sat, and there are some early evening variations to timings. From Queensgate there is a new late journey to Welland at 2340 every day of the week, which continues to Manor Drive (as does the 2250, now also on Sundays). Other timings are unchanged.
Route 5/5A Yaxley/Amazon
Timings to Queensgate are unchanged. Returning from Queensgate, Mon to Sat journeys leave five minutes earlier than before until 1745, then at 1800 to Yaxley, and there is a new journey to Amazon at 1815. Sunday times are unchanged.
Route 6 Hampton
There are retimings throughout the day on Mons to Sats, with the first journey from Hampton College departing earlier at 0520, and early journeys continue every 20 minutes on Mon to Fri. From Queensgate the Mon to Sat service starts 15 minutes earlier at 0500. There is a new late journey daily at 2325, one hour later than before.
Routes 31/33 Ramsey and March
Journeys from Ramsey leave 10 minutes later, apart from the 0731 and the 1531 on schooldays. Most journeys from March to Peterborough are retimed. Departures from Queensgate are five minutes earlier on both routes until 1420, then as before. The 0545 Saturday journey, retimed to 0540, now also runs on Mons to Fris.
Route 37 Spalding
Journeys from Spalding leave a few minutes later than previously (unchanged on Sundays). Mon to Sat Departures from Queensgate are unchanged up to 1410, but the 1510 is retimed to 1520, and the 1720 and 1820 departures leave five minutes later.
X4 at Peterborough Rail Station
From January 19th, buses on route X4 from the direction of Oundle etc will serve Peterborough Rail Station before arriving at Queensgate Bus Station, but journeys departing from the bus station will procede directly towards Oundle Road without serving the Rail Station in this direction. Departure times from Queensgate are unchanged.
Bus Fares from January 1st 2025
The Government-backed cap on single fares increases from £2.00 to £3.00 from January 1st 2025 (until the end of 2025), but the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is capping single fares wholly within its area at £2.00 until at least the end of March 2025. Cross-boundary fares will be capped at £3.00, for example on journeys from Peterborough to points in Lincolnshire on routes 27 or 37.
From the same date, Stagecoach are changing their fares. The Peterborough Dayrider will increase from £5.50 to £6.00 (Youth £4.20) and the Peterborough 7 day MegaRider goes up to £24.00 (Youth £16.80). For full details of these and other day, weekly and monthly tickets (for all local operators) see the Fares page.