Prague Public Transport - for Travellers and Enthusiasts

A guide to using public transport in Prague, including detailed information on fares and tickets, with links to official maps and timetables. The Airport page covers travel to and from the Airport.

Pages for transport enthusiasts cover details of the various tram types, and a guide to interesting aspects of the Prague metro.

A specially produced map for transport enthusiasts shows current and historical railway information as well as the current tram network, with dates of opening in many cases.

Further pages are planned covering buses and the Tram Museum.

Produced by British transport enthusiast Brendan Fox - see

  • A Tatra KT8D5.RN2P at Žižkov depot terminus (Sept 2023)

  • A new Skoda 15T contrasts with a Tatra T3R.P at Nádraží Podbaba terminus in 2015

  • A Martin Uher Iveco on a suburban service in the new PID livery (Sept 2023)

  • Restored Tatra T2 6004 on route 23 departing Královka (Sept 2022)

Getting Around

A SOR NB18 artic on route 119 to the Airport (now replaced by trolleybus route 59). The Getting Around page has details of fares and tickets.


Tatra T3R.PLF 8267 has been rebuilt incorporating a low floor centre section. The Trams page explains the different types.


Ringhoffer tram 2172 built 1929 waits at Planetárium on museum route 41. Information on the museum trams will be added in due course.